r-tec IT Security GmbH - Exabeam

r-tec IT Security GmbH + Exabeam

r-tec IT Security GmbH is a leading cyber security provider. Founded over 25 years ago, r-tec today serves international customers in various areas of IT security from its headquarters in Wuppertal Germany. As a fully ISO9001 and ISO27001 certified company, r-tec with its more than 70 employees today serves a wide range of topics, from strategic IT security consulting (ISMS), security analysis and penetration testing, to managed security and cyber defense center services.

r-tec IT Security GmbH
Hatzfelder Straße 165-167
42281 Wuppertal, Germany

email: [email protected]
tel: +49 (202) 31767 100
website: https://www.r-tec.net/