Deploying Exabeam Fusion - Exabeam

Deploying Exabeam Fusion

This one-day instructor-led course will prepare Exabeam Professional Services Engineers and Exabeam deployment partners to deploy Exabeam Fusion environments. Students will learn about configuring Event Selection for forwarding the correct logs to Advanced Analytics and how to request and use backend CLI access for deployment tasks. Using the Center of Excellence deployment and data validation workbooks, students will access a private lab environment to conduct an Advanced Analytics setup workshop, configuring a new cluster from training and scoring through first-time startup of the analytics engine. They will validate successful configuration both within the UI and by running backend tools, and they will make tuning adjustments to the system based on their findings. Students will configure and validate Case Manager, after which they will conduct a Case Manager workflow workshop. Students will apply the skills learned in a multiple-choice accreditation exam at the end of the course.