Exabeam News Wrap-up – January 5, 2023 - Exabeam

Exabeam News Wrap-up – January 5, 2023

January 05, 2023


Reading time
8 mins

Here’s the latest collection of Exabeam topics, headlines, and news coverage. Stay up to date with the Exabeam News Wrap-up! For press releases, articles, awards and all things newsworthy, check out the Exabeam Newsroom.

In this article:

How to Protect the Digital Landscape in 2023

Organizations are increasingly cautious in regard to navigating the economic downturn. Increased inflation and reduced expenses are causing many to take a close look at the budgets for cybersecurity in the face of growing complexities of the cyber attack landscape. 

Exabeam Chief Security Strategist Steve Moore believes that “We’ll see more governments attempting to create publicly known offensive capabilities to tear down criminal groups physically and technically.” This will be the result of the increased use of credential-based cyberattacks, as well as geopolitical changes, nation-state attacks, and the line between espionage and criminal activity being blurred.

Bring on 2023! Predictions and Potential Pitfalls for the Year Ahead

Looking to the future, younger workers will play a major role in filling talent gaps. As such, organizations must begin to take note of what they are looking for in an employer. “By 2025, Gen Z will make up 30% of the workforce,” says Exabeam CHRO Gianna Driver. “To continue to attract and retain top talent in 2023 and beyond, company leaders must listen closely to Gen Z voices. This generation typically aligns with organizations that can not just talk the talk when it comes to diverse hiring, work-life balance, the future of the workplace and more — – but also walk the walk. They want to feel heard and seen at work — as we all should.”

Your Password Manager Might Not Be as Secure as You Think — Here’s Why

LastPass has revealed that the password manager was breached for a second time. The company said personal information was disclosed, but customer passwords remained safe. The incident is a reminder that you should take extra precautions with your password. 

“If you do everything correctly, you can still run into problems using a password manager. The high security provided by password managers means you are in trouble if you forget your password,” pointed out Exabeam CISO Tyler Farrar. “If a password manager is maintaining industry standards, they should not have the ability to view or recover your master password,” he added.

Apple Passkeys: No Panacea for User Device Security

Passwords continue to fail miserably, with users notoriously relying on easy-to-guess codes that can be hacked in seconds. Exabeam Director of Product Marketing Jeannie Warner shares her insight into the benefits and potential challenges of using biometric-based passkeys: “Apple’s desire to improve user security is commendable, but Passkeys are the wrong approach at the consumer scale. Biometric data is deeply sensitive and should only be collected on an as-needed basis by government organizations for activities such as applying for top-secret agency jobs or fostering or adopting children.”

The Metropolitan Opera Cyberattack Highlights Vulnerability of Cultural Institutions

The cyberattack on the Metropolitan Opera is not the first, and almost certainly not the last, on cultural institutions. How can other arts and culture organizations face the current threat landscape?

In some cases, a cultural institution may not even be the primary target of a cyberattack, simply collateral damage. “Cultural institutions are more often than not a detour for adversaries. Having valid credentials from these organizations opens the ‘keys to the kingdom’ and can be a means to an end for a higher-stakes target,” Tyler Farrar contends.

Tyler Farrar: The Cybersecurity Industry Doesn’t Have a Stress Problem — It Has a Leadership Problem

Around the world, employees have been experiencing extreme stress due to the ongoing pandemic, business disruption, and the faster pace of work. 

This is a mental state and lived reality that cybersecurity staffers experience day in and day out. When new hires start work on Day 1, they know what they are signing up for. Most organizations today face an unrelenting fusillade due to the accelerated pace of digital transformation. New threat patterns are emerging, credential compromise is raging, and cybercriminals are cooperating on strategies. Tyler Farrar shares why organizations need “servant leaders” to enhance cybersecurity teams’ professional effectiveness and happiness.

Leading a Company to Scale Fast with Michael DeCeasare at Exabeam

Companies don’t scale fast without the right people on the team. Leaders must focus on a strategy to develop people and create a place where culture is everything. Building the right team is essential if you want your company to scale fast. So slow down and make a sustainable plan to scale fast. Exabeam CEO Michael DeCesare joins Growth Think Tank to talk about how to lead a company to scale fast and what it takes to build a strong team.

Spotlight on Women in IT — Episode 9 • Exabeam

Samantha Humphries, Exabeam head of security strategy EMEA, shares her experiences working in the IT industry — covering the opportunities she has had, the challenges she has had to overcome during her career to date, and offering plenty of constructive thoughts and observations as to what improvements still need to be made when it comes to improving diversity within the workplace.

14 Ways HR Leaders Can Elevate Women Of Color In The Workplace

Despite repeated attempts to create more inclusive workplaces, the experiences and work of women of color are not appreciated in many organizations. To demonstrate the value of women of color in the workplace, company executives must lead by example to ensure there is proper DEI representation in critical roles and responsibilities across the organization at all times.

“Ensuring you promote a healthy, positive and diverse culture means actively investing in the growth and psychological safety of your employees,” says Gianna Driver. “Focusing this on women of color and women, in general, is key because it’s important for women of all backgrounds to see themselves represented in leadership roles.”

Seven Life, Business, And Leadership Lessons Gleaned From A Popular Action Movie

After watching Top Gun: Maverick, Gianna Driver was moved by the powerful life lessons artfully woven throughout the film, and realized they can also be applied to business and leadership.

(Spoiler alert: If you happen to be one of the few who hasn’t seen Top Gun: Maverick yet, bookmark this article to read after you do.)

Exabeam CEO Micheal DeCesare and Google Cloud CISO Phil Venables at Spotlight22

Michael DeCesare sat down with Google Cloud CISO Phil Venables at Spotlight22. In this fireside chat, you’ll hear about the evolution of cyber over the last many years, the complexity of risk, and where security teams need to get hyper-focused.

Video: 10 Minute IT Jams — An Update From Exabeam

TechDay’s 10 Minute IT Jams provide sharp, to-the-point insights into emerging and established technology companies. Steve Moore discusses some of the current trends the company is seeing in the cybersecurity space, and how Exabeam technology can help.

Stay tuned for the next issue of the Exabeam News Wrap-up, and catch up on previous editions!

Learn more about Insider Threats

How to Build an Insider Threat Program with Exabeam

Sometimes even having a SOC isn’t enough to address insider threats. Security operations teams are managing massive amounts of data across billions of events from on-premises and the cloud, but looking for specific needles like insider threats has special requirements that encompass both searching historic data and seeing evolving credential behavior changes as they happen.

Whether from downsizing or expanding business, employees, vendors, contractors and others are moving in and out of your environment. And often, it is during these turbulent times that insider threats go unobserved — because everything is changing.

In this webinar, you will learn about:

  • The four common scenarios where you need an insider threat team, and how to build a mission statement and tools
  • Four attributes of a successful insider threat program
  • How behavioral analytics baselines “normal” behavior of users and devices — showing risk faster
  • Automated investigation experience that automates manual routines and guides new insider threat teams
How to build an Insider Threat program with Exabeam

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Take TDIR to a Whole New Level: Achieving Security Operations Excellence

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Most reported breaches involved lost or stolen credentials. How can you keep pace?

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Whether you need a SIEM replacement, a legacy SIEM modernization with XDR, Exabeam offers advanced, modular, and cloud-delivered TDIR.

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