Differentiating Legitimate Activity from Adversarial Behavior to Detect Account Manipulation using Exabeam - Exabeam

Differentiating Legitimate Activity from Adversarial Behavior to Detect Account Manipulation using Exabeam

Your adversaries use account manipulation techniques in order to establish persistence on the network, move around covertly, and grant themselves access to critical corporate resources.

Their techniques can range from increasing group privileges, creating and deleting temporary users or shielding attacker identities behind default system accounts. Because IT or security admins may perform similar account management functions as part of their normal job responsibilities, legacy security tools cannot usually differentiate legitimate activity from adversary behavior. Attackers take advantage of this gap in detection to remain on the network undetected to achieve their end goals of intellectual property theft, data exfiltration, or other damage.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • Why account manipulation is a challenge for most organizations
  • How behavioral analytics can identify attacks involving account manipulation
  • How Exabeam helps with threat detection investigation and response for this use case

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